Bo’s bone marrow biopsy came back CLEAR and his blood test showed 100% donor blood!!!
I can’t begin to describe the joy we felt when the doctor came in and gave us two thumbs up and said that everything looked great. I know I’ll never forget that moment. There were so many happy tears and hugs!
These last 2 weeks of waiting have been really interesting. They’ve revealed a lot of things lingering in my heart—fear and anxiety being the two main ones. There were days and nights I was so anxious I couldn’t eat or sleep. But there were other days (most days) where I felt like I had no doubt in my mind that we would hear that his results were clear. I felt like Peter getting out of the boat—I’d start to sink the moment I took my eyes off of Christ. There is so much peace in His presence—that’s where I’ve made my home this last week and where I want to stay. Your prayers for peace in this waiting have carried us. I am so deeply grateful for your faithfulness in bringing our family to God in your prayers. HE HEARS and He is so gracious and compassionate in how He answers. I hope you are as encouraged as we are ❤️
Bo’s doctor said that they can see that his marrow is producing the cells he needs, just slowly. They will continue to monitor Bo, his counts, and his liver for the next several months before sending us back to our original hospital for monthly check ups. For now, we will go to every other week appointments.
It feels like we are truly transitioning to the next phase of this journey. We learned that Bo will most likely keep the central line in his chest until 6 months post-transplant (mid-March). Having that removed will be a huge milestone—we can’t wait to take Bo swimming and he’ll actually get to have a real bath and splash around! So much to look forward to!
Prayers for this week:
- PRAISING God for the healing of our precious boy!
- For Bo’s marrow to continue to make what his body needs
- For continued protection from sickness (and praise for the protection thus far)
As for updates, I plan on continuing to post as there are things to share—praises and prayers requests. Since we are transitioning to less frequent appointments, posts will be less frequent as well. I am so grateful for the community we have around us and feel blessed to be able to share this journey with you all. Thank you for your friendship and support—it means so much to us and has been one of the sweetest treasures of this journey ❤️
To God be the glory!

Doing a happy dance, Chloe!! We are praising the Lord for His faithfulness and the healing He has provided!! And we will continue to pray!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! This is the greatest news ❤️??
Praise the Lord!
Best possible news and definitely answer to prayer.
We will continue to pray for Bo’s health and strength.
All glory to God! What good news! I will continue to pray. Love to you all!
Praise and thanks for the exciting news!! I am going to forward this post to Mark Drum who leads the Thursday Morning Men’s Group at RWC. Bo and your family have been on our weekly prayer list and the guys will be excited to hear this news.
Just HALLELUJAH!!! He does hear us and answer our prayers!!!
Glory Hallelujah!
I rejoice with you! Your smiles say it all! Thanks be to God for continuing to heal and sustain little Bo, and draw you closer to Himself in the process. Thank you so much for sharing, and encouraging so many as we watch God work.
Praise be to God! So much praise!
What a joy to hear this news! We are a part of your church family and it has been a privilege to be a part of the prayer support of you all. Thank you for sharing your hearts with us. Your transparency has truly touched our hearts. Lord bless you all with overwhelming peace and great joy in the days ahead.
Much love in Christ,
Peggy & Clancy
Such wonderful news! We’ll continue to pray for all of you! ❤️