Hello friends!
Several of you let us know that our site was down yesterday and I am so grateful you did! Our friend, Jordan, was able to get everything back and we are so grateful!
I have been wanting to write an update for several days but honestly haven’t had anything new to share, then I realized that’s a huge praise! Experiencing some normal, mundane days are like a balm for our hearts after the last 10 months and I think that is a praise worth sharing!
Bo and I have finally recovered from that bad virus we all got almost 3 weeks ago. It took his new immune system a little longer to fight it, but it did it! I had been so terrified of the first time he would get sick after transplant, but now having that behind us, I am experiencing some freedom from that fear. And Bo’s doctor reminded me–although we wish he didn’t have to get sick, it will happen, and in order for his immune system to get stronger and stronger, learning to fight sickness helps it to become strong!
We also learned that it’s his new immune system that’s going to keep any remaining leukemia from multiplying. The hope is that all of the chemo wiped out anything remaining, but in the event that it didn’t, his new immune system is what they hope and expect to kill off any bad cells left. When relapse happens, it’s when even a single remaining bad cell is allowed to multiply by the immune system. Our hope and prayer is that there are no remaining leukemic cells left–they have been wiped out and removed for good, and also that God builds a mighty immune system in our boy!
I don’t think I have said it enough, but we are so blown away at the advances in science and medicine that have made Bo’s treatment possible. We believe medical advances are a common grace that God gives to our world and we are so grateful that we live in a time where treatments like bone marrow transplants are even a possibility. God designed our bodies so beautifully complex, yet he allows us glimpses into how it all works and how we can fight terrible things like cancer and disease. It gives me hope as we look toward Heaven where there will be no more disease and thus no need for extreme treatments.
Thank you for continuing to follow along and for praying for our family. We are still daily trying to figure out what life looks like after this last year and also trying to make some plans for the future (hopefully Disneyland!). Trying to plan for the future but not worry about the future is something I’m struggling with, so I am praying for peace and trust in this area.
Prayer Requests:
- For Bo’s immune system to grow stronger and stronger as time goes on
- For God to sustain the healing He’s done in Bo’s body
- For our family to continue to find our new normal
- For me to experience peace and freedom from anxiety

(He’s so sneaky and finds pens, pencils, and crayons, and runs to this part of the wall to write)

Brings tears of joy to see Bo thriving! Thank you Jesus!