It has been a hard few days. I’m feeling exhausted and discouraged.
Bo’s fever is back. It’s been about 14 hours, but thankfully it’s not as high as it was before and is responding better to Tylenol. They took some new blood cultures this morning and we are praying they are negative for a bacterial infection.
The biggest disappointment of the last 24 hours was learning that Bo’s new central line they placed last Monday for dialysis needs to be surgically replaced today. Last night, as our nurse was changing his dressing, she noticed that the line wasn’t sutured to keep it in place while it heals. They called the department that did the original surgery and someone came to take a look and he couldn’t explain why it didn’t have a suture, but unfortunately, it had been pulled out a little. Sadly, they had to put a temporary suture in in the middle of the night and it was so sad. Bo doesn’t understand why any of this is happening, and it broke my heart to see him in pain. They are scheduling a surgery for today to replace it and put a suture in. We don’t have a time yet, but will update when we do.
Bo’s breathing continues to be labored at times. They have taken x-rays to see what could be happening, but don’t have any good explanations at this time.
Yesterday morning Bo’s blood pressure started to drop significantly and they noticed that his heart rate was high. They realized that they had successfully drained him of any excess fluid he had and now are dehydrating him. The good news is is that he doesn’t have any excess to give, the hard part is now figuring out how much to take to keep him from retaining fluid but not to take too much as to dehydrate him. The re-hydration process has been slow and that’s been frustrating. I know there’s a reason behind doing it slowly, but I just wish he felt better sooner. The dehydration also made his liver numbers go up slightly, which scared me a bit. I was hoping we’d only see them go down, but they said it’s to be expected in this situation. I’m just ready to see some real changes and him heading in the right direction.
We are expecting his CMV results sometime this morning to determine whether or not he will need the plan B treatment or will stay the course with the anti-viral he’s on. Please pray that the right decision is clear and that God gives wisdom to our doctor and she determines the best course of treatment and that Bo is responsive to it.
If I’m honest, I’ve reached a point where I don’t know what to pray anymore. I just find myself crying out for Jesus to have mercy. Will you pray for our strength and faith? I’m feeling at my end right now.

Jesus You’re with us, Though you are not seen, We know that you stay by our side.
Jesus You love us, More than we could know, And you feel each tear that we cry.
Jesus We trust you, To take hold of our hands’ Until we’re recovered and well.
Jesus You promise to, Comfort and care, Until we are laughing and playing again.
Thank you Jesus
Chloe, Lance, Naomi and Bo, praying for God to carry you through this, to give you faith and courage to face all of this uncertainty! Lord God give all these specialists divine intervention as there are so many decisions. Help Lance and Chloe to be strong in You and for You to carry this huge burden. When Chloe has no words to pray, let us brothers and sisters do the praying on her behalf and that she can rest in that fact. Lord God you know their hearts! Praying for victories this day in your precious Name. Amen
We love you, Dave and Jackie Flemming
Read this verse in my quiet time today:
2 Timothy 2:13 Living Bible (TLB)
13 Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to us.
I read this scripture in my quiet time today :
2 Timothy 2:13 Living Bible (TLB)
13 Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to us.
Lance and Chloe we are calling out to God on your behalf!! May you feel our Father’s arms around you as He whispers words of love and encouragement to you…❤️
Praying sweet little Bo will be strengthened both in his spirit and body to go through this period.
Praying God will send His angels to minister to you as well. May you receive a blessing today to receive hope and strength to face today. We are interceding on your behalf! Keep Jesus in your “boat” ??
Precious Bo, Dearest Chloe, Lance, and Naomi…..
My heart breaks for what you are going through, and yet, I watch and listen to the strength that the Lord has given you when you have felt there is none left…
I do understand your words Chloe….That you don’t know what to pray anymore seeing your baby Bo in such pain and confusion.
I pray that the Lord will, yes, show His sovereign mercy today??…
I pray that there will be clear signs that Bo is taking a turn for the better??
Know, that every moment of the day and night, there is God’s people praying for you….
We all love you…In Jesus Mighty name…
Such a very hard day in a hard journey. Our hearts are aching for you. And praying continuously for help, mercy, miracles and guidance. Our God is big and powerful. He loves Bo without limit. He hears our prayers and He is present in the darkness and in the light. We Iove you and stand with you with all our hearts.
I read the same scripture as Jackie….The Lord is speaking…
“Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, God remains faithful to us and will help us, for He cannot disown us who are part of Himself, and He will always carry out his promises to us” 2 Timothy 2:13
I understand how you must feel. Romans 8:26-27 are the verses that I cling to when I feel I am too distraught to pray. The Holy Spirit intercedes in our weakness.